Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Kesempurnaan Hanya Milik Allah
Jadi gini lo pemirsa, ceritanya saya tu lagi mencoba jadi anak yang sabaran dan perhatian gitu lo. Saya juga lagi dalam program menghindari sifat iri yang datang tiba-tiba. Ya semacam sedang belajar self-control gitu. Misalnya, saya lagi buka twitter nah terus nemu tweet yang menceritakan kehidupan si penulis tweet dalam versi berlebihan gitu kadang saya suka jadi bete njut mbatin. Padahal kayak gitu kan dosa ya pemirsa. Ya tapi gimana pemirsa orang saya juga manusia. Terusnya kalo nggak pas denger berita gembira, kadang saya tu aneh. Saya bukannya ikutan seneng malah jadi keki. Abisnya kok bukan saya aja gitu yang mengalami happiness moment tersebut. Kalo di pikir-pikir ya saya tu emang aneh. Tapi sekali lagi, saya ini hanya manusia yang tidak sempurna. Karena kesempurnaan hanya milik Allah SWT. Nah suatu saat saya cerita sama teman saya. Saya tu kok gini to yo, blablabla. Njut temen saya bilang yang pada intinya saya tu harus membuang sifat-sifat yang kayak gitu. Contohnya ya jangan menanggapi tweet-tweet yang menurut saya nyebai. Tapi tetep aja saya nggak bisa. Pada kenyataannya saya tetep menanggapi. Nah pemirsa, saya tu harus gimana kalo begini? Kalo begini terus nanti saya bisa-bisa nggak tenang gitu sepanjang usia. Kan repot. Ya udah deh, sekian dulu dari saya. Kurang lebihnya mohon maaf.
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Akhirnya Datang Juga
Malem sebelum hari H ini emang bikin deg-degan sekali pemirsa. Katanya Pak Panut "Kalo misalnya ada yang ndak lulus nanti pagi-pagi saya datangi rumahnya kok." Sure enough, I couldn't sleep all night. Maaan, bangun tidur bangun tidur gitu deeeeh. Tapi paginya sampe jam 9 gitu nunggu kan saya dan alhamdulillah wasyukurillah walhamdulillah huwallahhuakbar gak ada guru yang dateng. Terus cus deh ke tempat Kak Inda buat ambil nilainya. Bad luck, lulus sih tapi rata-rata hanya 7.95 padahal yang lain di atas 8 huhuw merasa lemas. Tapi abis itu lupa deh dengan kesedihan yang melanda, karena setelah itu waktunya orek-oreeeeek!!!
Here we are ready to greet you hey, Graduation!!!
Patbhe 012 is SUPERB!!! Congratulations to all of us, TOAST!!!
Di rumahnya Kak Inda |
Ohmyyyy godness -____________- |
Who are ya? -_______- |
Me, Eyika & Alvita. Please look at Alv's back. |
Didi, Y R U so frightening? |
Having fun all day long! |
Oh finally, Risma graduated! Yeay *whole world cheered* |
Guess who's she? |
Cuma akting ini ya sobat, kenyataannya pyloxnya sudah kosong |
Gambar mukanya Ilwos |
Patbhe 012 is SUPERB!!! Congratulations to all of us, TOAST!!!
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Travelling is My Favorite
I do love Sunday morning atmosphere. Mmm don't know why, but the air feels cooler on Sunday. Or maybe because Sunday is a holiday. Okay. Last Sunday I went to Solo with mum & some pals hehe. Bajra as a driver, he drove us though he didn't sleep at night because Final match Champions League that ended at dawn. Phuww.
Watching Green Lantern along the way to Solo |
Actually we went to Solo for purpose. Taking photos for a magazine, yap property magazine.
Playing piano, fyi that's just acting |
With my little sweety, omyyy I look so big |
We back home to Jogja during the afternoon. Before go home we decided to stop at Kedai Susu "Shi Jack". I ordered SUKADI (susu coklat dingin), it just a pure milk with cocoa powder and some ice cubes. I really love the milk taste, segerrrrrr :9
Mum & Bajra |
I call her Mbak Dika, geez her pose was so..... -_- |
Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012
I Actually Need Courage
"Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?For me it happens all the time.
[Chorus:]It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now...."
Well, I basically isn't a good mellow-er. I was a bit less sensitive. Somehow, I don't like all the "sad" things. Trying so hard to avoid all the feelings that made me becomes weak. Sure enough, I hate crying. But stupidly, I often doing that. Sometimes even for small things. I don't know why, lately a loneliness feelings approaching me. It feels like on one care with me, but in reality that's not so. It's just a feelings. I was defeated by feelings and fears. Such a dumb, ew. I listened Lady Antebellum's song on youtube, Need You Know. I'm not directing this song to anyone. I just enjoying this song for myself. Mmmm maybe currently, I'd needed someone to share many things. A person who can notice me well. Like a lover? Hahahahahahah
Minggu, 13 Mei 2012
Seventeenth's Always Sweet
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Wish - Blowing the Candles |
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Hi I'm the Birthday Girl <3 |
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Her photos, her face -_- |
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<3 |
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Feels like picnic, uh? |
We made a surprise for her. We went to her house early morning.
Excited bcus she finally 17th, legal age to watch adult movies. Ups :p
Yeay are you happy Nad with all these surprise?
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
A Party
I attended the Etc's party last Sunday at Ruang Cafe. I know it was rainy outside but Naw & Erika still go ahead. Phew. 7'o clock they came on my home. But damn it! We got lost in ringroad -_- Look for alternative ways, but it turns out ... Instead a stalemate. Yuck! Dark, cold and a bit horror. But finally after "membolang" we found the way to there.
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Outside the room |
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@_ciw |
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Walk of Fame |
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"Peter Says Denim." ? |
Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012
Good Morning, Saturday!
Guess who? |
Madame Eyika under the wicket yo~ |
Full team, without Punto |
Eyika texted me this morning, she asked me to futsal. Yew. Too morning to sweaty.
I went there but I didn't join the futsal. I just took some picts.
They didn't seriously playing this game. Just dribbling and rolled on the field.
Phew. We just happy for Riwa, cause finally he met the special-girl. Cieeee.
Kabupaten Futsal, 2012.
Jumat, 04 Mei 2012
Soooo Seraaaaa
Setiap sebelum nyanyi mas vokalis nya suka ngomong gitu.
So Sera band kepunyaan senior saya di sekolah. Kalo menurut saya aliran musiknya medley remix.
Personilnya cowok semua dan lucu semua, eh?
All the photos taken by Risma. Euforia #2, Patbhe.
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