My school, SMA N 4 Yogyakarta wouldholdsome events. Fun Bike & PerformingArtsby Purnawarsa 011. Fun Bike isthe agenda ofthe activitiesof"Foranzad'Patbhe". We'll becyclinghappilyonSaturday night. Yow! Startingfrom "Monumen Serangan Umum 1 Maret" andwillfinishin "Lapangan PLN, Mangkubumi". And there's so much fun games & i think you'll enjoy with it. Me andmy friendswillfollowthis.This activity isgreat fun. Isuggest,youalsohave tojointhis event.The eventisfree,youwillalsogetchocolate,stickers&ribbons. Hmmmm moreover, youshouldalsofollowthe other activitiesheldbyPatbhe. PURNAWARSA 011. Purnawarsaisan annualactivityofSMAN4Yogyakarta. This yearPurnawarsachosethe theme"CityofOwl".WhyOwl?Because theOwlisa symbolofPatbhe.Ialsodo notreally knowwhatthe intentionsbehindit. Hehehehehe. Weinvite"RocketRockers"and"EndankSoekamti",coolisn't it?Soyoumustwatchthisshow.
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