Happy birthday me and Miha! Her birthday is 17th March and mine is 18th March.
Me now, isn't that liking celebrate my birthday, I might be a bit bored of it. Or was I the easily bored person.
Well my body was growing really fast, but my mindset like stopping and stucking like the time when I was an-eleven-years-old-person. Tapi alhamdulillah masih bisa merasakan ulang tahun lagi dan masih seorang teenager. Because I was too scared of being a-twenty-years-old-person, with my behavior that looks like an-eleven-years-old-person. I want to be a forever young person. Terus kemaren kebanyakan wishes nya "stay young" gitu, oh secara gak langsung mereka menginginkan aku selalu muda hehehe. For all the wishes, I just wanna say thanks :-----)