Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Alhamdulillah Masih Seorang Teenager

Happy birthday me and Miha! Her birthday is 17th March and mine is 18th March.
Me now, isn't that liking celebrate my birthday, I might be a bit bored of it. Or was I the easily bored person.  

Pas galau malem-malem lagi nonton tv terus nggak ada yang kasih surprise, tiba-tiba rumah disatronin sama makhluk-makhluk ini. Dikasih birthday cake dan masa bentuknya hello kitty. Gak paham kenapa milihnya hello kitty apa iya mukaku kayak hello kitty. Padahal aku lebih mirip sama hello panda. Anyway thankyou!
Well my body was growing really fast, but my mindset like stopping and stucking like the time when I was an-eleven-years-old-person. Tapi alhamdulillah masih bisa merasakan ulang tahun lagi dan masih seorang teenager. Because I was too scared of being a-twenty-years-old-person, with my behavior that looks like an-eleven-years-old-person. I want to be a forever young person. Terus kemaren kebanyakan wishes nya "stay young" gitu, oh secara gak langsung mereka menginginkan aku selalu muda hehehe. For all the wishes, I just wanna say thanks :-----)