Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Dear, Miha.

Yiweeeeee! Happy birthday my dear. My lil sister, Saradifa Nurdiaz Irfanda. Today's her day, 17th March 2011. I'm sorry if i'm not a good Kakak for you hehehe. But for sure, i love youuuuu so much much much. Wish you all the best ya Mihiy, semoga ulang tahun ke 13 tahun ini kamu tambah pinter tambah nurut tambah rajin tambah gendut. Terus jangan sms-an terus, jangan nakal, jangan suka jahatin aku lagi, jangan suka bikin aku nangis lagi, jangan bikin aku emosi. Nurut sama ayah & ibu yaaaa :) God bless you♥

Hugs & Kisses, Kak Ine♥

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

The Black Swan

The Black Swan, four thumbs up for this movie. I love love love this movie very mery much. Natalie Portman as Nina, she was a very graceful ballerina in this movie. The musics & all scenes was damn cool & fantastic. Omg! You should watch this movie.