Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Daripada Tidur

Lately I have no anything to do.  Besides eat and sleep and repeated. Mmm... There's no collage assignments too. It's something rare. Well, few days ago friend of mine asked me for drawing a girl for her poster (it must be her job actually) and I started to draw... Okay honestly I'm enjoying it. Haaaaah for me it's been a long time no drawing. Afterwards, after my draw done I tried to draw on corel. And here it is! Mmm... What do you think? Is that good or bad?

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013


I love this song. You are badly cool, Zuwiiiii!

Selasa, 21 Mei 2013

Who's That Girl..... It's Jess!

Jadi semalem aku kebangun di tengah malem dan iseng buka timeline. Biasanya sih jam segitu itu jam jam tweet yang isinya galau-galauan (galau seko plastik), persambatan, dan beberapa ra jelas. Terus tiba-tiba kebaca tweetnya kak Sekar yang isinya tentang Zooey Deschanel. Mmm aku setuju banget sama tweetnya, secara nggak langsung memang mbak Zooey ini membawa mood yang positif juga buat aku. Aku suka nonton serial New Girl & dengerin lagu-lagu She and Him juga gara-gara si mbak Zooey. Suka lagi sama dia pas di 500 Days of Summer. Kadang-kadang kalo habis nonton New Girl aku suka niru-niru gayanya dia *sebegitunya. Tapi memang setelah aku nonton New Girl aku jadi lebih bahagia, sumpeeeh. Aku seneng kalo dia lagi ngobrol tapi obrolannya dia diomongin pake nada, kayak dinyanyiin. Ya kurang lebih kayak Bang Ipul gitu (kalo penggemar setia Bang Ipul pasti tau apa yang aku maksud). Terus lagunya dia yang Sugar Town juga aku suka, sampe aku suka denger lagu itu tiap berangkat ke kampus. Tapi alasan yang jelas aku suka sama mbak Zooey itu karena apa ya... Mmmm mungkin karena pembawaannya dia. Aaaaah ya Alhamdulillah, akhirnya aku punya seseorang yang diidolakan dan bisa memberikan semangat. Makasih mbak Zooey.

Pernyataannya Mbak Sekar tentang kemungkinan Zooey Deschanel mengandung susuk itu juga ada benernya juga sih, she's so hypnotizing *creepy -_-

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


It's almost a year since I joined Fotkom. Well well anyway mmm truthfully I let my self not to get fall into far. Emm I mean, I don't let my self being that so active & being busy there. Not that because I don't like being around them, but there's some other activities that I have to done (sok nyibuk). But actually and honestly and surely I'm delighted being fotkom's member. Despite I did often skipped rapat rutin on Monday and Thursday hehehe :p But genuinely it's great & pretty cool. And now I just cannot wait for new members, fotkom 14. Yo!

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Freshy Fresh

Been looooong time no swimming. Nonik asked me for swimming when day off. And I quickly said yes. Feel bit awkward when I got into the water. Uuuu anyesss. Honestly I've followed the swimming club when I was in elementary school. It's going about 4 years. But since high school I stopped, until now. Actually swimming is the most cool sport activities ever, you don't need to be sweaty. Well, I thought I would do swimming more often. Hahahaha karena tempat berenangnya deket sama kampus!

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013


Fotkom 13 finally complete the challenge! Akhirnya bisa pameran juga, akhirnya selesai juga rangkaian diksarnya, akhirnya bisa hemat lagi gara-gara nggak harus beli film & cuci cetak. Ye! I was very satisfied for sure! Walaupun pas malem sebelum D-day 2 frame foto buat pameranku jatuh sampe pecah yang penting hasilnya memuaskan ye ye.